Date | Event | Depart | Engine |
Sa 10.02.2024 | Glühweinfahrt ® | 17:00 Uhr ▼ | |
Fr 08.03.2024 | Frauentagsfahrt ® | 17:00 Uhr ▼ | |
Fr 15.03.2024 | Schlachtefest-Express ® | 17:30 Uhr ▼ | |
Sa 30.03.2024 | Osterfahrten ® | E | |
Sa 06.04.2024 | InfoTrain / Regular service Ascension Day | 10:00 / 14:45 Uhr | |
So 21.04.2024 | Tag der Industriekultur | E | |
Di 30.04.2023 | Walpurgisfahrt ® | 20:00 Uhr |
Do 09.05.2024 | Infozug / Regelzug Himmelfahrt ® | 10:00 / 14:45 Uhr | |
Sa 01.06.2024 | Teddy Bear Express ® | 14:45 Uhr | |
Sa 29.06.2024 | Go Trabi Go! Special Trip ® | 18:00 Uhr | |
Sa 03.08.2024 | Treasure Hunt ® | 14:45 Uhr | |
Sa 17.08.2024 | Glück-Auf-Wanderung mit Zugfahrt ® | 09:25 Uhr | |
Sa 14.09.2024 | Irish Express ® | 18:00 Uhr / E | |
Sa 12.10.2024 | Railway Weekend | E | Mehrzugbetrieb |
So 13.10.2024 | Railway Weekend | E | Mehrzugbetrieb |
Sa 26.10.2024 | KRFT Beer Express ® | 18:00 Uhr | |
Sa 09.11.2024 | St Martin’s Trip ® | 16:00 Uhr | |
Fr 06.12.2024 | St Nicholas’ Awakening ® | 16:00 Uhr | |
Sa 07.12.2024 | Nikolausfahrten ® | E | |
So 08.12.2024 | St Nicholas’ Trip ® | E |
All information is subject to change including the type of engine used!
▼ Does not take place in extreme weather conditions
E Extra timetable – will be publicised in good time
⦶ Informative train journey
® Reservations required
* * On 08 September, Tag des offenen Denkmals (Open Monument Day) we will be offering tours of and around the engine shed in Hettstedt Kupferkammerhütte – no trains will be running!
Make a reservation
At multiple stations, our tour guide will provide you with information about the history, engines and the area surrounding the Bergwerksbahn.
Coal, soot and oil are always involved in steam train operation and sparks may also fly around. We do not accept liability for clothing or property that becomes dirty or damaged as a result and ask that you take appropriate precautions.